Instrument Policy_Lambda 465 UV Spectrometer
Lambda 465 UV Spectrometer
Operating Procedure
1. Turn on the power switch and allow the instrument to warmup for at least 20 minutes.
2. Start the UV Lab software.
3. Enter a Title, Sample Name and choose the Experiment Type. Select OK.
4. Set the method parameters. Select OK.
5. Prepare the blank and the sample solutions.
6. Fill a 10 mm pathlength cell to ~80% of its volume with the blank solution and place it into the cell holder. Click or select Run Blank from the Measure menu.
7. The blank spectrum is displayed.
8. Remove the cell from the cell holder.
9. Fill a 10 mm pathlength cell to ~80% of its volume with the sample solution and place it into the cell holder. Click or select Run Sample in the Measure menu.
10. The sample spectrum is displayed.
11. Print and/or save the spectral data.
모델명: Lambda 465
제작사: PerkinElmer
담당 교수: 곽경원 교수님
장비담당자: 신서은
전화: 02-3290-3614
설치장소: 서울특별시 성북구 안암로 145 KU R&D 센터 207호
▣ 해당 장비는 사용계획서 및 동의서 신청 후 사용이 가능합니다.
▣ 사용 계획서 및 동의서 양식은 첨부파일을 다운로드 해주시기 바랍니다.
*Instrument policy is attached.
Please contact +82-2-3290-3614, for use of the UV Spectrometer