Prof. Mischa Bonn will be visiting IBS CMSD on Jan. 10th!
Mischa Bonn is a director at the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP), Mainz, Germany. He works on label-free (ultrafast) vibrational spectroscopy and microscopy of biomolecular systems and water in such systems. He received his PhD in 1996 from the University of Eindhoven for research performed at the FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics AMOLF in Amsterdam. After postdoctoral research at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin and Columbia University in New York, he worked at Leiden University from 1999 as an assistant professor, and from 2002 as associate professor. In 2004 he became a group leader at AMOLF. In 2011 he joined the MPIP. His research interests are the structure and dynamics of molecules at interfaces, and electron transfer across interfaces. Mischa has won several prizes and awards and has published over 300 research articles, which have received. 11000 cumulative citations, resulting in an h-index=57 (Google scholar).